Why poetry?

Poetry (I'm learning now I've graduated) isn't something you run across often outside of the classroom. But poetry is meant for more than just Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 3:00-4:00 so here is a place to always find poems and suggestions of more places to seek them out. You can agree or disagree with my choices, but my hope is that you'll be inspired to let poetry (the poems I find or ones you find on your own) be a part of your every day.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

"For the White poets who would be Indian" by Wendy Rose

Maybe your brain needs a break this weekend so save this poem for Monday. It's one that deserves a little thought. If you're really looking for some way to pass the time (like I am) then take a few minutes to look up what others have to say about the poem. There's some interesting and thoughtful criticism around this poem and poet. And remember- you don't need an excuse like class to justify learning more about what you're reading...

"For the White poets who would be Indian" by Wendy Rose

just once
just long enough
to snap up the words
fish-hooked from
our tongues.
You think of us now
when you kneel
on the earth,
turn holy
in a temporary tourism
of our souls.

With words
you paint your faces,
chew your doeskin,
touch breast to tree
as if sharing a mother
were all it takes,
could bring instant and primal
You think of us only
when your voices
want for roots,
when you have sat back
on your heels and

You finish your poem
and go back.

Found at: http://www.english.illinois.edu/maps/poets/m_r/rose/online.htm

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